The House…

the house

Hi All

Wow where to start, This book started out really intriguing and I could not put it down. The main characters are both very interesting and I enjoyed reading about their lives however this book did not deliver as much as I thought it would. I think maybe I went into reading it too hyped up. the story is unique and definitely captivates you to an extent however the ending really did nothing for me and I found that to be a letdown and that is what ruined this book for me.

I might be being a bit harsh as like I said I went into the book super hyped up for it.  The writing style was very easy and I did really enjoy the characters. The romance in this was not so bad as there are only two really intense scenes which I felt did not even really need to be part of the book.

I gave this book a 3 out of 5 stars and a 2 on my creepy scale.

Maya xx

Gavin tells Delilah he’s hers—completely—but whatever lives inside that house with him disagrees.

After seven years tucked away at an East coast boarding school, Delilah Blue returns to her small Kansas hometown to find that not much has changed. Her parents are still upright and disinterested, her bedroom is exactly the way she left it, and the outcast Gavin Timothy still looks like he’s crawled out of one of her dark, twisted drawings.

Delilah is instantly smitten.

Gavin has always lived in the strange house: an odd building isolated in a stand of trees where the town gives in to mild wilderness. The house is an irresistible lure for Delilah, but the tall fence surrounding it exists for good reason, and Gavin urges Delilah to be careful. Whatever lives with him there isn’t human, and isn’t afraid of hurting her to keep her away.

Whats your flavor!

Hi everyone….

So I thought about writing a list of books you would like to read and it may also inspire others to get their reading glasses on!

So Please comment below with your answers to the list.

  • What are your top three favorite book genres?
  • Which three/five authors currently have you hooked?
  • Your top five most anticipated book releases for this year?
  • Who are your top three/five favorite female heroines/protagonists ever?
  • Who are your top three/five favorite male heroes/protagonists ever?
  • If you could choose any magical land that has been developed by an author which land would it be and why?
  • what is your favorite book of all time hands down no need to even think about it?
  • If you went to Hogwarts which house would you want to be in?
  • If you could be a hero/heroine in your own novel what would you best trait and power be?
  • What is your favorite historical fiction novel?
  • What is your favorite Fantasy/ sci-fi novel?
  • What is your favorite Graphic novel?
  • What is your favorite classic novel?
  • What is your favorite nonfiction book?
  • What mythical creature/entity/person would you be if you had a choice?
  • What is your favorite duology?
  • What is your favourite trilogy?
  • What is your favorite series that has more than three books in the series?
  • Are you a fan of manga and anime if so please name a few of your favorites

Please mention the names of any good books you have read or heard about that you have not added to the above list.

